For information on how to properly dispose of unused medicines
refer to the FDA’s guidelines available at the following link:
For additional information on disposing of unused medications clicking here, visit the FDA’s disposal page and their FAQ section on medication disposal clicking here.
Generally, prescription drugs should not be flushed down the toilet or sink unless specifically instructed to do so on the label or accompanying patient information. For a list of drugs that should be flushed, check the FDA’s website.
If your medications are not labeled for flushing, you can utilize community drug take-back programs or household hazardous waste collection events for proper disposal. Contact your local city or county waste management services to find out if these programs are available in your area.
If no take-back programs are available:
- Remove the medications from their original containers.
- Mix the drugs with an undesirable substance, such as cat litter or used coffee grounds.
- Place this mixture into a disposable container with a lid, like an empty margarine tub, or a sealable bag.
- Hide or remove any personal information from the original containers using a permanent marker, duct tape, or by scratching it off.
- Dispose of both the sealed container with the drug mixture and the empty drug containers in the trash.